This year marks the 20th anniversary of when we first laid the groundwork for the consulting group that became Net Consonance. It felt like a challenging message for 2001: bring your Internet services into harmony with your overall business.
con·so·nance: a combination of notes which are in harmony with each other due to the relationship between their frequencies.
There was intentional word-play on the use of slang ‘Net for Internet, playing off the idea of net balance, or the difference between assets and debt. It was a colorful message that was easy to explain to executives still not sure how the Internet played into their business.
While we never did enough marketing of the message, it has been received regardless. Internet services are now so strongly core to business today that the kind of work we love to do isn’t often outsourced. All of us have been fully-employed core team members in various startups and enterprises for years now. None of us have time to take on incoming business.
Net Consonance has been many things over the last two decades, but over the last 8 years it has rarely been anything other than a place to ascribe my own OSS contributions, writings, presentations, and advice given to organizations.
Given all this, I’ve decided to retire the dba and simply use my own name going forward. My technical blog will move to, and this site will become a static reference.
Thank you to so many of our customers and partners over the years. It has been a wonderful voyage, and a pleasure working with all of you. We are still fully engaged in DevOps and SRE service implementation. We are simply taking down a sign that implies any of us have time available to take on more efforts.